Located in: Vallée de la Marne: Côteaux Sud d’Épernay
Vineyards and grape varieties: 188.6 hectares (466.0 acres), of which 52% Chardonnay, 42% Pinot Meunier, and 6% Pinot Noir.
Classification: “Autre cru” (88%)
Mancy is located south of Épernay in a forked valley formed by the two streams Le Darcy and Le Mancy. The actual village is located on the left bank of Le Mancy. The two streams combine in the northern part of the commune where Le Mancy empties into Le Darcy, after arriving there from the Grauves direction.
The Mancy commune covers 357 hectares and has 268 inhabitants (as of 2013), referred to as Mancéens and Mancéennes.
The vineyards in Mancy are spread over the commune, on both banks of Le Darcy and Le Mancy. The vineyards in the western part of the commune are located on slopes on the left bank of Le Mancy, and are continuous with those in Monthelon, Morangis, and Moslins. The vineyards in the central and eastern parts of the commune, between Le Mancy and Le Darcy, as well as a smaller vineyard surface on the right bank of Le Darcy, are continuous with those in Grauves. Due to its location in a forked valley, the direction of the slopes vary, but are mostly southeast in the western part of the commune. Chardonnay is the most common grape variety, but the proportion of Pinot Meunier is only slightly less.
The current vineyard surface in the Mancy commune is 188.6 hectares (466.0 acres). There are 98.2 ha Chardonnay (52.1%), 79.2 ha Pinot Meunier (42%), and 11.2 ha Pinot Noir (5.9%). Numbers from CIVC, as of 2013 In 1997, the vineyard surface was 186 ha. There are 48 vineyard owners (exploitants) in the commune.
Source: winetomas